Kill By Kill: Talking Horror Characters One Death At A Time

Friday the 13th (1980) Commentary

Episode Summary

We were warned. We are doomed. That's right, there's only one Friday the 13th all year, so you know we had to do something to commemorate it! That's why we're jailbreaking a Patreon exclusive commentary of the original FRIDAY THE 13th, so you can watch along with it and celebrate the many, many silly deaths on display! We get right back into the action with folk songs that make us hot, talk Red Harring Cafe customers, wonder why Crazy Ralph got so crazy, debate why Alice would ever sleep with Steve Christy, marvel over Kevin Bacon's premiere hinder, and go blow-for-blow on the worst hand-to-hand fight in Voorhees history! Cue up your copy and watch along with us, won't you?

Episode Notes

We were warned. We are doomed. That's right, there's only one Friday the 13th all year, so you know we had to do something to commemorate it! That's why we're jailbreaking a Patreon exclusive commentary of the original FRIDAY THE 13th, so you can watch along with it and celebrate the many, many silly deaths on display! We get right back into the action with folk songs that make us hot, talk Red Harring Cafe customers, wonder why Crazy Ralph got so crazy, debate why Alice would ever sleep with Steve Christy, marvel over Kevin Bacon's premiere hinder, and go blow-for-blow on the worst hand-to-hand fight in Voorhees history! Cue up your copy and watch along with us, won't you?

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