Kill By Kill: Talking Horror Characters One Death At A Time

Terror Train 1980 (w/ Kira Gowan)

Episode Summary

All Aboard, Killers! We have a fun Jamie Lee Curtis Halloween classic. Well, not THAT Halloween classic, but the 1980’s slasher-on-a-choo-choo flick, Terror Train with our special guest, Kira Gowan (Fun Dip and Cherry Coke podcast). This movie has got your ticket to sex-prank-aggedons, the Mansplaination Express, and David Copperfield in more make-up than anyone thought possible! Which two characters are embroiled in a secret love affair? Which character appears to be addicted to peanuts? Not only will we tell, but we will try to shout it above a very convenient train whistle. All that, plus a new Canuxploitation version of Choose Your Own Deathventure, and you have yourself a larger-than-fun-size level Halloween treat.

Episode Notes

All Aboard, Killers! We have a fun Jamie Lee Curtis Halloween classic. Well, not THAT Halloween classic, but the 1980’s slasher-on-a-choo-choo flick, Terror Train with our special guest, Kira Gowan (Fun Dip and Cherry Coke podcast). This movie has got your ticket to sex-prank-aggedons, the Mansplaination Express, and David Copperfield in more make-up than anyone thought possible! Which two characters are embroiled in a secret love affair? Which character appears to be addicted to peanuts? Not only will we tell, but we will try to shout it above a very convenient train whistle. All that, plus a new Canuxploitation version of Choose Your Own Deathventure, and you have yourself a larger-than-fun-size level Halloween treat.